Medicare Supplement Insurance

Medicare Supplement Insurance is offered by private insurance companies. Supplements cover some of the gaps not paid by Original Medicare Parts A and B. Only Medicare-eligible expenses are covered by a supplement.
By federal law, all Medicare Supplement plans are standardized and offer identical benefits. For example, all Plan As are alike, same with all Plan Bs etc,…the only difference is the cost, which can vary widely across plans and carriers depending on the company’s recent claims history and pool of policyholders.
There are ten different plans available (A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, N) and each provides a unique combination of coverage across nine categories. Of note, beneficiaries newly eligible for Medicare after January 1, 2020 are no longer eligible to enroll in Plan F.
All plans cover at least 50% of your Part A coinsurance, at least 50% of your Part B coinsurance, at least 50% of the cost of your first three pints of blood should you need them during a procedure, and an additional 365 days in the hospital after your Medicare benefits are exhausted. Depending on the plan you choose, it could also cover part or all of the following expenses:
- Skilled Nursing Facility Coinsurance
- Part A Deductible
- Part B Deductible
- Part B Excess Charges
- Foreign Travel Emergency
With a Medicare Supplement, like Original Medicare, you can choose any doctor, specialist or hospital in the United States that accepts Medicare patients.
Plan G is the most comprehensive – covering 100% of the items listed above other than the annual Part B premium.
Our Certified Medicare Advisors can walk you through your supplement options and answer any questions you might have as to cost and coverage.